

2023-06-11 16:05:08 大字体 小字体 扫码带走


Rongcheng early summer season, the wind and Jingming, fresh and pleasant, neither the spring warm cold cold, there is no midsummer sun burning the body suffering, is a season full of poetry.


In the early summer morning, the first ray of light breaks through the tranquil red sun and leaps onto the sea surface, shining with fine golden light. The scene of hardworking fishermen driving their breeding fishing boats to their respective breeding areas, where hundreds of boats compete in the morning mist, makes people feel more heroic and passionate.


In the valley, the catalpa tree blooms, which is very romantic. The locust flowers by the water are blooming in competition, and the fragrance is overflowing in the garden. Roses compete with each other, bees and butterflies dance, creating a vibrant atmosphere.留住烟火气,拥抱大市场,假日经济的浓浓暖意还将延续。
